Originally Posted by ngdawg
I was called "Piranha" because of my crooked teeth, "Tarantula" and "Daddy Long Legs" because of my long skinny legs, "Pizza Face" along with other horrid remarks took up an entire page in my 9th grade yearbook.
Well I think you're pretty.
I only needed to stand up for myself once, and I made it brutal (a la Ender's Game). A kid had been treating me like shit for a long time and I finally decided that it was enough. Once you've demonstrated that you can easily break someone's nose, they will either come back with friends or leave you alone. When you dispatch with his friends, no one ever bullies you again.
Billy, go take self defense. Be proactive. It's clear your school is incapable of protecting you and your parents are helpless. You need to do this for yourself. Be empowered. Go beat their asses and then get back to learning and living your life. Don't let them ruin your childhood.