Originally Posted by dc_dux
pan.....Honestly, I just dont have the interest or patience in pursuing this with you.
Your last statement says it all to me: We need to work forward together, as long as a group follows a negative leader(s) we can never work for a truly better community because there will not be open communications and positive answers sought. Basing your characterization of a "negative leader" on only one aspect of his life's words and work....and choosing to ignore the fact the central message of the church is to promote self improvement through accepting responsibility to ones self, family and community.
I will continue to engage in discussions and dialogues on race relations...but it wont be here and it wont be with you.
No, I'm not ignoring the central message of the church. But the central message of the church and what the Rev. of that church teaches can and at times are 2 totally different things. If Rev. Wright had so many non-racist, non blaming, positive and not negative messages, why is no one showing them?
I still have yet to hear how this great Rev. Wright can go to Libya in 1984 with Farrakhan. What exactly was positive in that trip? Why not discuss how that trip positively affected his congregation?
But instead, ignore the question. Tell me I'm ignoring his "true" message.
Then when I show you a black man that IS uplifting, that gives men and women true hope and beliefs...... he's not black enough. He's not a true leader the urban minorities should follow. Instead, yo excuse and promote the Sharptons/Farrakhans/Wrights.
You're "discussions" are "I'm right.... you're wrong" I asked for your solutions that would work for everyone but you choose to refuse to even try that. Instead, you choose to walk away and refuse to have a true discussion with someone from a differing point of view.
You're right, there is no way to have a positive discussion because you refuse to answer questions, defend the leaders you believe promote the better message and pick and choose what you want to discuss and not the whole picture.