Originally Posted by dc_dux
I made reference to a few of the more obvious institutional barriers in my earlier post: * redlining (as well as rollbacks in the Community Reinvestment Act by the Bush administration) - that discourage investment in minority communities
Does this affect both races? Is it just "minority communities" or is it he majority of ALL urban communities? If it is ALL then this is not a racist based program and ideology is it?
* public education funding - a financing system based on property tax that creates spending disparities per/student in suburban (or high property value school districts) vs inner city (minority) or rural (white) districts. While this is an income issue rather than simply a race issue, it disproportionately impacts inner city minorities.
So you accept it affects ALL races. On the other hand you have far more college scholarships and grants aimed for those "urban minorities". Besides having them led by racist hateful leaders, how would you change this?
* the criminal justice system and sentencing disparities between white and black defendents
Could it also be that the majority of black defendants tend to be more gang members, more violent.
Again, what is your solution?
I can offer more examples when I have time, but if you dont think blatant and subtle racism and/or barriers to "equal opportunity" still exists, there is no point.
I do not believe it is near the problem that you make it to be. A company needs to hire the best person for the job, not hire just to fill a quota. It doesn't work. So other than quotas, how do you fix the problem?
And if you believe that the only way to have an honest and open national discussion on race relations is to frame that discussion in terms of "good blacks" versus "bad blacks" or "its all THEIR fault"...there is no point.
So my pointing to the great things George Foreman preaches and how he truly uplifts his followers.... and showing how the Sharptons/Farrakhans/Wrights like to keep their followers down through hate, resentment and anger. I gave a good argument and it to you solely becomes "good" vs. "bad" blacks. You are wrong, that is not the message I conveyed... the message I conveyed is that George Foreman and his type of ministering believe we are all responsible for our own actions and with God and a deep self worth we can achieve anything. Sharpton/Farrakhan/Wright preach that it is all government's fault, the white man's fault and that they need to just take because they are never going to get out if they don't hate.
Sorry, for me it is based on message. "good" vs. "bad", "positive" vs. "negative" messages not race.
I can give a grocery list of successful black men and I'll find a reply giving reasons why each of them truly aren't "black".
Sorry, you gave me no reason to believe the Sharpton/Farrakhan/Wright BS and to say George is a rarity. I would argue if there are more ministers and more men and women in that community preaching George's way and giving positive messages, there would be more success stories in that community.
Its easy to say "get over it and move on" as you suggest above....its much more difficult to say "despite the gains made as a result of the long overdue civil rights legislation of the 60's, there are still barriers that make it more difficult for all citizens to achieve the American dream."
Yes there are, but besides using negatives and using excuses, let's talk about finding answers that work for ALL not just one group or another.
And in either case, these are complex issues that need to be discussed without the fallback on such simplistic and emotional responses as placing all the blame on one side or the other.
I agree, but then you spend a whole post telling us why one race has it worse than another. When inner city whites have it just as bad. When rural white have it just as bad. When America as a whole is falling into serious economic times.... and instead of working on solutions together we stay divided, some of us excuse the hate/racist/anger filled messages of Sharpton/Farrakhan/Wright and when negativity is all that is going in.... negativity will be all that comes out.
When you sit down and talk and work through all the bullshit to come up with answers that will work for the many (because NOTHING will work for all, because some have to work and move forward o their own and they won't do that (all races)).
We need to work forward together, as long as a group follows a negative leader(s) we can never work for a truly better community because there will not be open communications and positive answers sought.