Originally Posted by dc_dux
otto....nevermind....there is just no point to continue this.
Its my fault....its ratbastid's fault in the Wright thread. Its host's fault....its roachboy's fault. We just "dont get it" but you do!
You are the innocent victim here. 
Why is it your fault? Victim of what? I don't understand where you derive your fault or my perceived victimhood? Don't run away from your convictions if you really believe what you're saying. I just don't see promoting race victimization and racism as justified for any reason. I agree that things don't just go away. It's easy to wax on about past inequalities and injustices, but when does it end? Why do you continue to allow any justification for racism? Like well-meaning affirmative action and quota systems designed to fix an injustice, some day that scale will tip to the other side. Then the other. Again and again. Things aren't great and people have the right to be stupid. But things are a hell of a lot better racially since my childhood. I've worked for very successful people of various race and gender, it is now common-place, something you didn't see when I was growing up in the South. I see this example as more of the norm than the culture of victimhood and apologist hypocrisy.
I sometimes substitute teach in the 10th largest metropolitan public school system in the US, with a history of southern culture, with a 65% non-whiite to white ratio. I see people from all races who don't appreciate the gifts they have by just being able to come to school. I see people of all races and economic background throw it all away because they don't give a shit. I see kids of all races who are (some homeless) making something of themselves because they are motivated to live better lives and shun the negativity of culture that surrounds them. Because they are taking advantage of the opportunities they have and are making the best of it. Race has little to do with any of their failures and successes. They would be insulted to hear it said so.
Go ahead and leave the discussion if you like.