Originally Posted by Ustwo
How to avoid STD's are the same for everyone.
There are teenagers who think you can't get STDs from oral sex. Anal sex needs to be addressed, though many still view it as sodomy. When it comes to STDs, vaginal sex and anal sex have different issues.
Originally Posted by Ustwo
How to avoid pregnancy isn't and issue.
Pregnancy shouldn't only be taught in the context of avoidance. It should be taught in it's entirety. Lesbians get pregnant, gays have sperm.
Originally Posted by Ustwo
Which health issue would need to be specifically addressed?
Human sexuality is more than just mechanics and STDs. Sex education should include topics of identity and relationships. To exclude homosexuality could marginalize anywhere between 1 to 10 out of every 100 students on issues that pertain to them specifically.
There are many people who believe that a lesbian sexual relationship isn't really sex, so there are no risks such as those found in heterosexual relationships. This is what education is for. These things need to be understood. Do not underestimate the ignorance of youth, especially when it comes to the topic of homosexuality, which still greatly stigmatized. Actually, it is because of this last point--stigmatization--that teaching homosexuality should be standard.