Originally Posted by dc_dux
Pan. I find it unfortunate, but not surprising, that you chose to ignore the larger issues I raised. Perhaps the “ignorance is bliss” graphic was too distracting, so I made it smaller.
As long as folks continue to frame the issue of race relations and racism solely as “good” blacks vs “bad” blacks and not acknowledge that there are also institutional barriers as well as “good” whites and “bad” whites, the country will not move forward on this divisive issue.
In fact, IMO, words and attitudes such as those displayed in your posts will only result in creating a greater divide.
Which institutional barriers are you referring to? How about making the argument only about racists without regard to THEIR ethnicity. The country will not move forward as long as we allow special categories for justified racism. Political correctness and ethno-centric rationalizations have neutered our collective sensibility for personal responsibility. We go forward by getting over it and moving on.