Originally Posted by ratbastid
See: "online echo chamber"
The media has cycled past it. Hillary made a mention of it yesterday which the media referred to as "after the fact". It's done. It's resolved for people. This particular wave has crashed on the beach, and has receded.
Moving on.
Now that's funny!
I see, is your integrity determined by the news cycle? Apparently truth for you has less to do about facts and more about winning, outlasting the news cycle. I see no evidence of this ever going away completely. Some powerfully influential people have been left injured in the wake. I doubt the likes of Rev. Wright or Geraldine Ferraro are done with this one, planning, calculating in the background. Don't forget this issue is now fair-game for Hillary and McCain ... food for some very creative minds ... staffers, strategists, PR and advertising wizards ... you only hope this is gone.
It appears Obama used Rev. Wright to look extra black when he needed it, he threw them under a bus when light was shone on their racist beliefs, and now his church and new pastor are slamming him hard. He pissed off one of the most powerful women in the Democratic party with a cheap shot. He characterized typical white people as racist by experience. No, revenge is popular in politics and Democrats will eat their own. It's thinned out a bit, but I'd say it's not been put to bed just yet. Scorned political power brokers and influential racist preachers have long memories.
Recently, my interest in this has been largely for entertainment. Like a video game. Mention something truthful about Obama's poor judgement (push the button) and watch the hypocrites come out of the woodwork to argue disingenuous rationalizations and mindless slogans. You're right, we should call it the Echo Chamber. Available soon on PS2 and Xbox!