Originally Posted by Ustwo
I read the OP article and while the language made me uncomfortable, we are so PC these days that its obvious that this would be seen as 'racist' mostly because it mentioned race from a white perspective, there is a degree of truth to it.
Pan I originally assumed you were just a knee-jerk liberal who would use their powers of cognitive dissidence to ignore anything that even remotely challenged the write/wrongness of their world view. I hope you forgive me for this.
You have shown me you are deeper than that, and have the courage to stand up to those who now view you as a traitor and would rather belittle you for questioning them.
I know you aren't anywhere near a conservative, but its refreshing to see that some people want to discuss whats really going on rather than just defend the guy they like, right or wrong.
Assumptions can be wrong. I am socially liberal and fiscally conservative but I also see in the Democratic Party (and have stated so on more than 1 occasion here) is run by wacked out far left power hungry nutjobs that expect one to "tow the line, drink the koolaid and never think for oneself".
See the past 2 years I have been without TV for the most part (buying DVD's of Monk, maybe watching a little sports at work... but that's it). I get my news now from magazines, radio, the internet and newspapers. Being a news junkie I read all I can afford to. What I have found is that staying away from TV news that needs the scandals daily, that works hard to sway your opinion in soundbites is not truly the news. It's propaganda for both sides.
Radio mostly is right as right can be, most magazines are Left but not as Left as TV, the internet is what you want it to be, and newspapers vary but for the most part local papers around here seem to try to be moderate one way or the other. The reason I think print media is more middle of the road than any other is that their profits derive solely through customer sales. Yes, they have ads, but a newspaper loses 1000 subscriptions it is hurting badly.... a magazine loses 10000 subscriptions they are hurt, maybe not as badly. Since the majority of Americans are moderate and pretty much middle of the road the print has to sell to the largest audience, unlike the others.
Anyway, I babble..... it all boils down to if one cannot question what his party believes and why, then have some reservations and believes that maybe the party goes too far in a direction..... and the party doesn't like the questions, the thinking for oneself and so on.... then one must question if the party is under good leadership and if they care more about power than the people they represent.
Both parties seem to have similar problems with this, it's just the Dems and what I believed they stood for 20 years ago when I supported hem have moved so far left and instead of working for ALL they have decided to work for the vocal, extremists. That is scary to me.
The GOP, seems to have moved away from Goldwater's true ideas of conservativism and tried to move more left on some issues while staying right on others and moving more right on he last grouping of issues.... so they themselves seem to have identity crises.
Make a long story short, it seems neither party truly likes a person to think for themselves and come to their own conclusion on an issue.
First: show me where I stated ANYWHERE Thurgood Marshall was alive.... I'd appreciate. I stated:
I didn't see or hear of Thurgood Marshall doing it,
Hmmmmm past tense.... maybe, I knew he was dead. I resent the fact you "berate" me for in someway saying he was alive.... but where I said that I have no clue whatsoever.
A quote from your Clarence Thomas blurbs: (by the way did these "excerpts" possibly taken out of context to serve a political purpose (which you demonstrate by calling him names) come from a left source?)
Originally Posted by Clarence Thomas via Host
then he proceeds to poke them with sticks. He recalls thinking about "cynical politicians" who "sucker voters, claiming to care about the poor while actually exploiting them." He says he supported Reagan in 1980 because "I thought that blacks would be better off if they were left alone instead of being used as guinea pigs for the foolish schemes of dream-killing politicians and their ideological acolytes."
Sounds to me like he was fed up with elitist leaders in the community that preach hatred, "whitey keeps you down" and negative ideas that keep the divisions alive. Not that he was pissed off at "the White Man". Sounds like he stated the exact same theme Buchanan did and you can't handle a black man saying it, so you have to attack and hate on him.
But being far left and hating the GOP so much you probably can't see what he truly is saying there.
Call me clueless, but I'll be clueless n this issue because I don't believe that if we keep reopening past wounds it betters race relations and is positive for our country.
He is still a Supreme Court Justice and worked his way up..... yet, listen how you talk about the man.... not his beliefs, the man. Sounds to me like the angry one is YOU. Here is a black man telling us why he supported Reagan and what he believes and he is getting attacked personally? Do you know him personally? Then who are you to judge him personally? Funny, you ask me the same question about my feelings for Obama (because of a man he named his spiritual advisor) and people here insinuated and called me racist. Meanwhile, you can call one of the most successful black men this country has ever seen, a POS and you feel okay with that. WOW.
So keep listening to the Sharptons, Farrakhans, Rev. Wrights, Obamas and I'll keep listening to the TRUE leaders of the black community, the TRUE men and women who battled to get out and rise above all the bullshit those asshole racists teach.
In the meantime, I'll accept you calling me racist and telling me how wrong I am. Keep telling me how I only add in coherence and whatever else. But you aren't attacking my right to free speech are ya? You aren't attacking my views in negative ways are you?
People and judgments like yours are what led me away from the Dem. Party. But you are too lost in your own hatred to understand that.
Then, I'll go listen to an old MLK Jr. speech, watch the '68 olympics where as the majority of black men (where are they now?) raised fists as they got their medals.... George Foreman stood tall, and waved....... of all things an American flag.
This is a TRUE MAN that I can respect, hold reverence for and feel proud of:
When he walked around the ring with an American flag following his victory, members of the black community chastised him for being an Uncle Tom, especially since two African-American athletes, Tommie Smith (gold) and John Carlos (bronze), who had competed for the United States in the 200-meter dash, had raised their black-gloved fists on the award podium as a protest during the playing of the U.S. National Anthem. Others, however, lauded him for being a patriotic American during a time of political upheaval and strife.
George Foreman through those actions and others, shows me he is a greater man than any Sharpton, Farrakhan, Rev. Wright could ever hope to be.
Oh and BTW, Foreman is a Rev. in an impoverished area in Houston, Texas.... For some reason I just don't picture him ever saying "God Damn America" in the pulpit or going to Libya in '84 with Farrakhan or working to keep the masses down so he has an audience that believes that bullshit.
I have a feeling George Foreman teaches how God and self belief can rise you up from the bottom and take you to the top. How forgiveness and love make people happy, not hatred, anger and opening old wounds.
Course what do I know, I only read his book, God in My Corner.
And in case you don't visit the wiki link here's what is said about his book.... and it is very true:
Foreman has two books: one, published in May 2007 and titled God in My Corner: A Spiritual Memoir, was written with Ken Abraham; the other, published in October 2007, is called Going the Extra Smile. Both deal with his faith-related experiences, practicing forgiveness, and overcoming adversity. God in My Corner contains numerous pictures from his life and career.
And this from Foreman's website: (far better than anything I have EVER heard come out of Sharpton/Farrakhan and Wrightcombined)
George's Favorite Scripture
Blessed is the man who does not walk in the
counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of
sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.
But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his
law he meditates day and night.
He is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does
not wither. Whatever he does prospers.
Not so the wicked! They are like chaff that the
wind blows away.
Therefore the wicked will not stand in the
judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the
For the LORD watches over the way of the
righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.
Psalms 1
Or how about his 3/29/99 SERMON: Show me Farrakhan/Sharpton/Wright saying this:
MARCH 29 , 1999
No man should say "God has given me anger," because a true gift of God is self control. Anger, as a rule, is never something you get with your dog, your cat, your car, your food, or your clothes. Anger is something you get with people. As the old song goes, "you always hurt the ones you love." And the people you love are the ones you never should hurt at all. If in fact the teaching is to Love your enemies,
Bless those who curse you, Be good to those who hate you, Pray for anyone who uses you: What can anger pointed at love ones do? You see Anger is a funny little spirit; it's sneaky, cunning, and most of all dangerous.
Anger moves quickly, leaving a person no time to deal with it's ingredients. Anger is like bread, with all you put in it, sometimes the smallest substance is the yeast. But without that very yeast, there is no bread as most of us know it.
We put all these things into "the mixing bowl;" but like wheat, rye, white, and French the yeast makes up the bread. Murder, Revenge, Getting drunk, Adultry, Wife beating, Husband shooting... Some people abandon their children, and ten years after you ask that man or woman why did he or she did it and most, if they are honest, will simply say, "I just got angry."
So you see anger is the yeast, that little thing that pops-up and causes us to do everything that we felt we would not do.
In case Houston is just too far email George and ask him any
question you may have about The Doctrine of Love.
How about his sermon 6/27/99?
June 27 , 1999
Religion is the doctrine of helping people.
It's like this life is filled with so many holes, and most of us fall into one every second.
Some of us fall so deep that no one can pull us out.
Often we fall when going against the laws of God...
Lying, hating, stealing, forgetting our parents, or looking for other gods for answers are generally the holes into which we fall.
Every man, woman, and child has this fate of falling.
Religion is the understanding of the obstacles that we face, it is the understanding that mankind is blind to the deep holes that await us; and the knowledge that the one
who causes this blindness keeps the way slippery.
Religion is that extra found strength when yanking a hanging brother or sister from the edge of a rocky cliff, right after you've pulled another hand a minute before.
Religion is the understanding that it is the grace of God that you can see the seeded holes and the hanging souls. Having religion is not being boastful of the sight we
have, but the gratefulness for the hand that dragged us out of the hateful holes and painful pits into which we blindly slid.
Where is RELIGION?
Where ever there is a starving soul that gets fed; a wounded, bleeding person getting a bandage, a fatherless child getting a kind word, or a widowed mother getting her
sister's help religion is present.
We can never move the holes and pits out of life, but with God's Will we can teach others that just because our brother or sister has fallen into a pit doesn't mean he or
she can no longer use a helping hand.
If we can see them in the hole then we can reach them as long as we use all our strength; not trying to save any for tomorrow.
Tomorrow is not promised.
How can we act on RELIGION?
1. Show the way. Mark those holes.
2. No matter the dirt or reproach, always be willing to extend a helping hand.
3. Keep God as the Judge, remember the hole came with the world.
4. As God gave his son Jesus to be the Savior for every slipping soul, we too must be willing save others.
Where does he say God Damn America? Where does he say "all this is the government's fault"?
OOO they must have been right in '68 he's just an Uncle Tom...... I'm sure there will be posts hating on George now.
So, yes I can agree with what Buchanan said. Sharpton/Farrakhan/Wright and the likes are hustlers. Because they teach hate, ignorance, anger, negativity and by teaching those they keep people coming in because those things are easier to believe than to pick oneself up and work to make life better. It's easier to blame everything on someone else (a boogie man), especially when that someone else has been conditioned to accept that blame and hate and apologize and bend over backwards to try to make it better..... only to be made to feel worse and more guilty.
My guilt ended years ago, when I realized, I'm not guilty of anything. Being born white in America does NOT make me guilty or more privileged in ANYWAY SHAPE OR FORM. I resent anyone for insinuating or flat out saying otherwise.