Originally Posted by spot1021
There are many reasons for this. I've always been an introverted type, really hated the bar/club scene. Got picked on a lot during high school and just kept to myself out of habit I guess and became a loner.
Hm. That's pretty much how I turned out. But to my surprise, I discovered that there were women out there that did like me. And on the day after my 20th birthday, my virginity was
taken from me! And it felt sooooooo good!
Waiting until I was 20 was probably the best thing that could happen to me. I had serious behavioral problems when I was a teen. A sexual encounter back then would probably have screwed thing up big time and made me feel even more miserable! But by waiting until I finally smartened up and got a grip on myself, I experienced something very few people appear to experience at all these days: a wonderful, satisfying, and memorable loss of virginity. It was as if a ten ton weight fell off my shoulders.
Now I must admit that, although it's not unusual for someone to still be a virgin well beyond their teen years, I do find the mid-twenties to be a bit of long time to wait before finally biting into the fruit of passion. Sex is a wonderful part of being human, and it should be enjoyed as soon as you're physically and mentally ready for it. How one's sex life turns out after the first experience varies widely from one individual to another. But what everyone needs at the very least is to get that first experience out of the way so they can at least move on with their lives.
The solution for you may be very simple. GET OUT OF THE HOUSE! Although you're probably already a college graduate, were there any extra courses you've always wanted to take just for the heck of it? That's how I met my last GF: during evening classes! I wasn't exactly looking for someone at the time, but apparently she had already found me!

If you go out and do some kind of activity, someone out there might notice you. And when she does, it's all uphill from there.
Just don't let fear take over. If you meet someone, just go with the flow. Don't try to fill the air with conversation. Let her do all the talking! You just do the listening! Remember! Loose lips sink ships! (I've learned that part the hard way) But also, don't be afraid to ask questions and to complement her from time to time. Women do like to feel appreciated, even more so when it's entirely justified.
One last thing. If you're both alone and she starts undressing you (yes, women do that), don't run, don't back away, and DON'T BE AFRAID TO TELL HER THE TRUTH! Let her know you're a virgin! This way, she'll guide you through your first sexual experience much easier than if you clam up. If you don't tell her, the sex will be bad, and you'll both be severely disappointed. Swallow your pride and be honest.
So get out there and socialize! Get out of the house! Now! Find someone! Get busy!
A disclaimer: I'm in my early forties and I've only had sex with two women in my entire life. But what I've experienced with both of them more than makes up for the lack of sexual partners. And with the new business I'm starting up, I'll be surrounded by more available women very soon. And you bet I'm gonna get busy! I don't consider sex to be improbable. I consider it