Socialism does not necessarily mean that the government owns anything or everything.
It means that all is under the control of the community directly influenced by or influencing it and there are many, many ways of implementing this.
Cooperatives are one means of directly introducing socialism from within a capitalist organisation. There are many styles of these which fall under the Rochdale Principles (so named after the first truly successful cooperatives in the mid 19th century England).
Workers cooperatives are probably those which spring immediately to mind, these are more in tune with the general understanding of socialist ideology as it is widely broadcast. Direct worker control.
Consumer cooperatives' members/owners are it's consumers. The largest of these in the world happens to be based in the UK.
The Co-op (
It took almost half a millenium from the emergence of the
Yeoman or their ilk for the first revolutionary class to take control of the planet.
Socialism hasn't had 200 years yet, give it a chance.