Oh, where do I start... how about I put a 24-hour time limit on this to keep it short, hmm?
- People telling me what they think I should do with my life
- Reality TV shows with stupid petty bitchy women
- People not knowing how to park, or drive for that matter
- People getting pregnant accidentally
- Real estate agents coming to show the apartment I'm renting to prospective buyers, and giving me 2 hours' notice to clean the joint ahead of time
- Having to do the dishes
- Cold-calling people to ask them to do a survey for my PhD research
- Icelandic men
- Loose hairs (especially my own)
- Dirty/cluttered floors and surfaces
- Idiotic 18-year-old boys acting like asshats at the gym
- People who think Iceland is the best country in the world
- People who think any particular country is the best in the world, actually
- Relatives telling me how much I resemble/act like/think like my dead father
- Willful blindness to the truth... at least, my truth.