Things that bug / annoy you in life (or in general)
I searched, but none came up, so I decided to start one..
So what are things that bug you or annoy in, in life or in general?
Here are some for me:
- Getting a parking ticket for a dumb reason (like you only left your car there for 2-3 minutes and a cop got you).
- Taking a crap and not having a clean break (so much work afterwards).
- Studying hard and doing well but only to forget it afterwards and (say in 1+ years) having to spend time (albeit alot less time) studying it again.
- Running out of ketchup.
- Apartment rent increasing due to inflation and you can't do jack about it except antagonize your manager.
I will add as things come up..
I suppose this would be the perfect thread for the eternal pessimist.. but I figure we can all let out some steam hahaha