So, I pose to you the following question: how much money would it take to buy you off? Could I buy your vote for a candidate for a dollar and a beer if you'd already decided not to vote this cycle? If I offered you $1,000,000 to sleep with your hot wife while you were broke in Vegas, would you take it? If I handed you a gun, $10,000 and proved to you that *that guy* was a child rapist, could you pull the trigger? What if I offered you $10,000,000, a house on the beach in Brazil and full security team if you just look over there while I steal from your employer? Could you sleep with someone you didn't find attractive or the opposite of your orientation (i.e. gay) for the right amount of money?
Yes, depends on her reaction, no, yes, not attractive: yes, opposite orientation: yes, but more money.
I think to be honest about this you'd also have to have a reasonable expectation of not being "caught" by whomever would do the catching. In Kristen's case, she was willing to prostitute herself for thousands of dollars a night AND it being kept secret. Were she offered the choice to have sex for thousands of dollars AND have it become public knowledge, she would probably have refused.
With enough money AND reasonable assurances that I wouldn't be caught, etc., I could definitely be bought.

I have a very flexible moral code, as well.