I'd like to think I'm not for sale, but I know better than to stand on such a high pedestal. Unexpected situations can occur which may have you doing things you'd never intended to do.
For lack of a more appropriate option, I vote "could make exceptions", but I don't think any of us really know until we get there.
When this comes up, I always think of
Indecent Proposal. I'd never have taken the money. I'd never give up a relationship for money. That's just me.
But I have taken jobs I swore I'd never take. I've manipulated people at different points in my life in order to survive. Although those situations weren't cash payouts per se, they are definitely an alternate means of selling out.
So before anyone can say "never", I would urge them to think long and hard about things that could one day happen in your lives.
Originally Posted by willravel
Admittedly, some of my morals could be compromised, but they'd already have to be relatively weak.
I was having some difficulty hearing that, Mr. Gandhi.
Could you speak up a little?