At what point does money overpower your morals?
At lunch today, several of us enjoyed yet another hearty laugh over the fall of Eliot Spitzer. Eventually, though, the conversation turned to Kristen/Ashley and how she got involved.
I am beginning to subscribe to the idea that we are all willing to whore ourselves out, literally or metaphorically, at some point in our lives for something. We all, especially on the internet, love to take absolute positions about how we would "never" do something that is beyond our moral boundaries. For argument's sake, please assume that any negative repercussions are minimal at best.
So, I pose to you the following question: how much money would it take to buy you off? Could I buy your vote for a candidate for a dollar and a beer if you'd already decided not to vote this cycle? If I offered you $1,000,000 to sleep with your hot wife while you were broke in Vegas, would you take it? If I handed you a gun, $10,000 and proved to you that *that guy* was a child rapist, could you pull the trigger? What if I offered you $10,000,000, a house on the beach in Brazil and full security team if you just look over there while I steal from your employer? Could you sleep with someone you didn't find attractive or the opposite of your orientation (i.e. gay) for the right amount of money?
I'm not looking for dollar amounts or stories of how you were bought off (although I suppose it's fine if you consider it relevant). What I am looking for is how flexible you think your morals are.
For me, I know there is a point where I could chose to ignore my moral compass for a moment given the right circumstances and exclusive of a couple areas of my life. First, I wouldn't cheat on my wife. Second, I couldn't have anything to do with illegal/immoral situations regarding my present employer - these folks are family. Beyond that, though, I think just about everything else would be more of a negotiation for the right price.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - B. Franklin
"There ought to be limits to freedom." - George W. Bush
"We have met the enemy and he is us." - Pogo
Last edited by The_Jazz; 03-26-2008 at 09:49 AM..