Originally Posted by Ustwo
You will have to forgive me if I take the opinion of Mr. Thomas, over yours.
Calling me clueless is laughable for a guy who thinks the press is out to help McCain, which is at best 'daft', and thats being kind host.
So, the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings were THE ONE TIME that republicans were sincere and forthright in their attacks on Anita Hill's character and veractiy. Thomas's "book" is a fucking spectacle...a pathetic joke on you, for supporting him, believing in him. His "power" and your ability to admire him rest on his never ending bashing of a former colleague who he has attacked for 16 years. He hired her twice, wrote a letter of recommendation for her, and now tells us of all of her flaws and lack of qualification. Pan tells us that Justice Thomas "is not angry", and you tell us that you believe what he says in his book. Hah!! Hah!!.... sorry, it looks ridiculous....Supreme Court Justice, as "victim", silently taking it up the @**
You and Pan, are clueless, Ustwo... at least on this "issue":
Thurgood Marshall, referring to George HW Bush: