I played my first vanilla game about 10 game hours before discovering XTM and have been using it since.
Make sure you are using the 7.3 scripts with it, they fix a lot of the performance issues. Manually delete the old ones from the mod manager first, because the manager thinks the older scripts are actually newer (no clue why).
When I first installed it I was using older scripts and the fps was pretty bad at 10* seta, now its mostly 100% ok, though occasionally you will find a system like argon prime a bit fps laggy but not a problem playing with.
XTM actually fixed a lag issue vanilla has with some wonky graphics on the capital ship guns.
My specs are 2.4 ghz dual core, 4 gig mem, XP, and 2 8800 GT cards so ymmv. I play at 1680*1025
I do see SOME lag now but only because of the race response fleet scripts. Sometimes the battles get BIG.
XTM is a good mod but it does have a few issues you need to work around. They made terran shipyards but somehow screwed it up a bit so they spawn with zero health in home of light. You can deal with them remotely but DON"T LAND as after you it screws up your game in terms of things like auto pilot etc. There are other issues with their custom ship yards (which look very nice) being so big they can mess with collisions with capital ships. I have only had the issue once, but you need to go out of system to undock when it happens.
XTM adds so much though its worth putting up with a few minor glitches. If the problem is your graphics card not being able to handle the new graphics at that resolution is most likely worth trying to turn down the texture/anti-aliasing settings, it will still look better than vanilla.
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Last edited by Ustwo; 03-26-2008 at 05:44 AM..