Originally Posted by pan6467
Other than saying black hustlers and not just calling out names like: Sharpton, Farrakhan, Rev. Wright, and so on.... I tend to agree.
It seems everyone wants to blame everyone for the riots but the people who riot.
People need to e held accountable for their own actions, not the actions of their fathers.
Some people seem to forget that and choose to blame the white man and the current US for slavery....
As long as you have leaders like Sharpton, Farrakhan, Rev. Wright and so on... and they have followers.... there will always be racial problems and people living in the past and never seeing what the present can and does offer them.
Nice,pan.... focus all the blame and all of your attention and outrage on the easy target and ignore the more difficult issue of the current (not slavery) policies and practices of government at all levels (including the education system, the legal system, etc), corporate America (redlining is a good example), and other white dominated institutions....not to mention the words and actions of many white leaders and media figures.
As long as we have institutional barriers and personal attitudes that accept and perpetuate the status quo, there will always be racial problems.
There is plenty of blame to go around.
But unlike you, I dont place ALL the blame on the black "hustlers" and victims of both the blatant and subtle racism that still exists in this country.
Carry on in your crusade.