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Old 03-25-2008, 09:31 PM   #6 (permalink)
Originally Posted by ottopilot
While it does not please me that we continue to fight, I don't recall where this promise was ever made.
They told us that it would not cost us much money, or last very long, and they announced that it was ended, when it was just getting started:

Amid Talk of War Spending, Bush Urges Fiscal Restraint
Published: September 17, 2002

President Bush returned today to collecting big checks for Republican candidates and warning Congress to hold the line on government spending, even as his chief economic policy adviser, Lawrence B. Lindsey, said the cost of a war with Iraq could be as high as $100 billion to $200 billion.

Mr. Lindsey's pronouncement, published in today's Wall Street Journal, contrasted with the message of fiscal restraint that Mr. Bush took to the heartland in a campaign stop for Representative Jim Nussle, the chairman of the House Budget Committee, who is in a close race for re-election....
UPHEAVAL IN THE TREASURY: THE TEAM; Two Casualties As Bush Seeks Economic Fix

Published: December 8, 2002

....In his last big interview, with The Wall Street Journal, Mr. Lindsey touched off a firestorm in September with the suggestion that a war with Iraq might cost $200 billion, and the White House had come to see him as such a problematic public spokesman that he was all but muzzled. (Defenders said Mr. Lindsey was merely trying to make the point that however much a war cost, the economy could absorb it.) After a recent speech, a pack of reporters pursued him up a stairway to elicit only a terse comment on rumors that he might quit. ''I have no plans to make any changes,'' he said.

On Friday, many Democrats all but gloated at the forced resignations. Representative Edward J. Markey, the top Democrat on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, called them ''welcome and long overdue,'' adding that the Bush economic team ''has been an unmitigated disaster for the financial markets and the American economy.''

Others argued that the economic team had mixed flawed messengers with uneven messages and that Mr. Lindsey's weaknesses and Mr. O'Neill's exacerbated each other. .....

Published: December 31, 2002

The administration's top budget official estimated today that the cost of a war with Iraq could be in the range of $50 billion to $60 billion, a figure that is well below earlier estimates from White House officials.

In a telephone interview today, the official, Mitchell E. Daniels Jr., director of the Office of Management and Budget, also said there was likely to be a deficit in the fiscal 2004 budget, though he declined to specify how large it would be. The administration is scheduled to present its budget to Congress on Feb. 3.

Mr. Daniels would not provide specific costs for either a long or a short military campaign against Saddam Hussein. But he said that the administration was budgeting for both, and that earlier estimates of $100 billion to $200 billion in Iraq war costs by Lawrence B. Lindsey, Mr. Bush's former chief economic adviser, were too high.

Mr. Daniels cautioned that his budget projections did not mean a war with Iraq was imminent, and that it was impossible to know what any military campaign against Iraq would ultimately cost. ....

....The budget director's projections today served as a more politically palatable corrective to figures put forth by Mr. Lindsey in September, when he said that a war with Iraq might amount to 1 percent to 2 percent of the national gross domestic product, or $100 billion to $200 billion. Mr. Lindsey added that as a one-time cost for one year, the expenditure would be ''nothing.''

Mr. Lindsey was criticized inside and outside the administration for putting forth such a large number, which helped pave the way for his ouster earlier this month. He could not be reached for comment this evening. (Congressional Democrats have estimated that the cost would be $93 billion, not including the cost of peacekeeping and rebuilding efforts after a war.)

But today, Mr. Daniels sought to play down his former colleague's remarks. ''That wasn't a budget estimate,'' he said. ''It was more of a historical benchmark than any analysis of what a conflict today might entail.''....
THREATS AND RESPONSES: MILITARY SPENDING; Pentagon Contradicts General On Iraq Occupation Force's Size

Published: February 28, 2003

...Enlisting countries to help to pay for this war and its aftermath would take more time, he said. ''I expect we will get a lot of mitigation, but it will be easier after the fact than before the fact,'' Mr. Wolfowitz said.

Mr. Wolfowitz spent much of the hearing knocking down published estimates of the costs of war and rebuilding, saying the upper range of $95 billion was too high, and that the estimates were almost meaningless because of the variables.

Moreover, he said such estimates, and speculation that postwar reconstruction costs could climb even higher, ignored the fact that Iraq is a wealthy country, with annual oil exports worth $15 billion to $20 billion. ''To assume we're going to pay for it all is just wrong,'' he said.....
Despite Obstacles to War, White House Forges Ahead
Administration Unfazed by Iraq's Pledge to Destroy Missiles, Turkish Parliament's Rejection of Use of Bases

By Karen DeYoung and Walter Pincus
Washington Post Staff Writers
Sunday, March 2, 2003; Page A18

.......Even as it sent senior envoys around the world to twist the arms of recalcitrant council members -- particularly the half-dozen undecided governments it refers to as the "U-6" -- the administration in recent days has expanded both its rationale for war and on-the-ground activities indicating the conflict has already begun. ......

..... Wolfowitz also estimated the U.S. cost of Iraqi "containment" during 12 years of U.N. sanctions, weapons inspections and continued U.S. air patrols over the country at "slightly over $30 billion," but he said the price had been "far more than money." Sustained U.S. bombing of Iraq over those years, and the stationing of U.S. forces "in the holy land of Saudi Arabia," were "part of the containment policy that has been Osama bin Laden's principal recruiting device, even more than the other grievances he cites," Wolfowitz said.

Implying that a takeover in Iraq would eliminate the need for U.S. forces in Saudi Arabia, and thus reduce the appeal of terrorist groups for new members, Wolfowitz said: "I can't imagine anyone here wanting to spend another $30 billion to be there for another 12 years to continue helping recruit terrorists."
Bush To Announce End Of Combat Phase of Iraq War

White House Report, April 30: Iraq/WMD, Colombia, Norway

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