Originally Posted by ghoastgirl1
I just remember my colposcopy...and how AWFUL it was.
I need to talk to my doctor, I'm horrible at remembering a pill everyday and it will in no way compare to the rings convenience except maybe retrieving my sex drive.
What about the Patch? I know it's not a huge favorite of some women, but I used it for a year or so and survived. I liked it because I only had to think about it once a week, though I guess the hormone dosage is higher than the Ring. That's the thing about the Ring... it has one of the lowest hormone dosages available.
And then there's always condoms... I know it's not fun, but ktspktsp and I used them (along with BC) for basically 2 years straight, since we were serious about never wanting to get pregnant. We basically stopped thinking about it after we got used to it... just became part of our routine.
About not remembering a pill every day... why not have both you and James set your watches/cell phones to remember, so that you're both involved in reminding you to take the pill? You talk every day anyway, right?... so it would just be one more thing to talk about at the same time every day.

Just a thought.
Oh, I don't know if I mentioned this before, but having free counseling through my university was one of the saviors of my mental state and probably our relationship as well, throughout the long-distance period. I was able to work out a lot of my insecurities and emotional instability about us being so far apart, and how that translated into our relationship. Something else to think about, if you have free counseling at your school.