Originally Posted by Mojo_PeiPei
Seeing Will's follow up, that it is somehow up to the UN or some other Bureaucratic body to determine who should have weapons or at any capacity is redonkculous.
Strawman. I never said it was up to them to determine who should have weapons at all, not even close. Sometimes I think members are just arguing with themselves or their own dopplegangers.
What I said is that the parties who would disarm decide on what to give up and the UN acts simply as referee. They make no decisions, but rather simply make sure no one is cheating.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
will, i appreciate your attempt at 'shooting down' my argument, but I think you seriously overestimate our military and are extremely underestimating the american public at large. If you truly believe that 12 to 18 MILLION have no chance against even the total cooperation of the military strength at 4 million, then there seems to be no reasoning with you in that sense. Not that you don't have the ability to, I just feel that you're not truly seeing the numbers correctly.
If you think that 12-18
million people would get involved in an American revolution in this period in history, you must be hopped up on goof balls. It'd probably be a lot closer to tens of thousands, if that. I'll tell you what: you make me a list of everyone who openly attacked the US government after the incident at Waco.
And there would be no central organization, but rather it would be groups of friends, and even though some would be ex-military or law enforcement, the odds of them having the organizational skills overall to do anything is laughable. We'd probably get a dozen or so minor victories for the populace, see them quelled, and then it'd be the government using them to demonize the resistance and also using it as an excuse to crack down on what little liberties we have left.