perhaps you should find a research job. working as an undergraduate research assistant makes your resume look better and will pay more than $6.00 / hour (probably twice that).
and yes, I know you are a BA and I even tho I am a BS, I am pretty sure BA degrees have research jobs too. The psychology departments usually love taking on undergrads to help coordinate and man those long and boring psych experiments which require someone to be there for hours on end waiting for people ; you can study during those times too!
If you arent a psych major, it might be alittle difficult; but that's just an example.
additionally - library counter jobs are the BEST. you are paid to just sit there and study (hardly anyone checks out books, and besides, its quick to do). if u cant get a counter job, shelving books isnt as ideal but its a pretty easy job too. But I think library jobs probably pay around $6 / hr too