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Old 03-24-2008, 09:07 PM   #1 (permalink)
How do you deal with your coworkers?

I work in the Deans Office at the College of Architecture at Texas A&M university in College Station. I'm in school full time and I work 20 hours a week. That's a lot. I pretty much don't mind my job too much however there is this woman there who drives me ape shit.
Her name is Jan, she is the "Lead Office Assistant." Which means she does my job except she does it full time instead of part time. This woman has never gone to college. Our jobs entail: making copies, delivering the copies, making coffee, delivering coffee, running across campus to deliver more copies, making files, reserving rooms, reserving parking spaces, taking phone calls, delivering messages from the phone calls and doing whatever other tasks the Dean has asked us to do.
Jan believes that since she is 60 she does not have to make coffee, answer the phone, make copies or deliver copies. She also takes 1.5 hour lunch breaks everyday and locks her computer at the front desk so the student assistants cannot get online or book anything in her absence. I get irritated with her because she asks me to check the coffee every 15 minutes and talks to me like I'm a toddler and not an adult.
I suppose my frustration reached its peak last Thursday when I had asked earlier in the day to leave 30 minutes early to meet with some classmates over a group project and Dawn (a superior lady) said it was fine. I was preparing to leave when Jan comes up to me and tells me I have to stay and that my jobs more important. After I got over the shock of her telling me my $6.00/hr job was more important than working toward my BA Degree I told her that I had already cleared it with Dawn and that I was leaving. She then went to Kathy (the lady above Dawn) and complained to her for 5 minutes and told me to go talk to her or to stay until 2:00. (I ride the bus from the Apt to TAMU, and then from TAMU to Blinn (the school I'm at now atm). The bus takes a while and gas is expensive.

So today I put her out of my mind, talked to her at the very minimum. The other student assistants get aggravated. $6.00/hr is just sometimes not worth putting up with someone like that.
I'm an intelligent young lady, I don't need an uneducated bitter grandmother telling me what to do and that school comes second.
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