Originally Posted by samcol
You forget about all the 'upsets' in military history. Just look at the most recent war in Iraq. We have them out manned out gunned etc. It really doesn't matter if you think a populace can or cannot beat an army. That's not relevant to restricting the right to bear arms.
It's not the case I'm making. DK is making that case, so it's he that you should bring this up with. Frankly, I don't have a dog in that fight.
Originally Posted by samcol
Just because you don't think the people can't win, doesn't mean we shouldn't be armed.
Just because you're armed doesn't mean you stand a snowball's chance in hell against people with superior fire power and that are highly organized.
Originally Posted by samcol
Also, you have to understand the military is made of 'THE PEOPLE.' Direct orders to kill countrymen will not be followed by our military universally.
I would have said the same of the ATF and FBI before Waco. I would have been wrong.