OK. here it is.
I'm an atheist. My view on religion, specifically Christianity, is that it's merely a moral book which a group of people took way too far. And the fact that many people are fickle and weak. They want to personify the unknown, and further beleive that they have somewhat of a grip of their own lives by believing that this personification is indeed God who represents all good, etc. All in all, i think religion is just a big mental crutch to get us through our lives only to ascend into the heavens as afterlife. To give us something to believe in. A goal to strive for.
I mean don't get me wrong. I'm not attempting to knock any religion. I mean my girlfriend is a Catholic and we get along perfectly fine. I make an attempt to understand religion, specifically Christianity. I have many religious friends and we have occasional discussions. I am totally open to the idea of religion, but I guess I won't budge till I'm convinced.
I guess I'm just looking for feedback on my opinion. Is it valid? I don't know. I just htink that I have too much pride and refuse to believe that we don't have control of our lives, and that we're the most powerful people in our own lives.