Thanks again everyone for the quality responses.
Sharon and Mantus, I actually own the book you referenced. I have tried the author's suggestions re. "trust". However, my wife is a bit of a control freak, so it's really hard for her to give in - so to speak.
World's King, I think it is only fair that I share all the dirty little details given the help you all have provided. May not be for a few more weeks, b/c she generally likes this sort of stimulation around the time she is ovulating (and very horny).
Kahn, good advice, except I'm not sure about the lighter/slower touch suggestion. I've essentially done that before, but the feeling going through her body at that particular time is so intense that it doesn't matter how I touch her g spot then. Based on what I've experenced with other women, seen how my wife's body responds, and hearing the comments from ShaniFaye and the other ladies, I'm pretty convinced that the key is for me to keep up what I've been doing that got her to this point but get her to "tough it out" and "trust me" during these last few seconds. Had she not enjoyed me touching her g spot prior to this point, I'd be more likely to agree with you. Ladies, what do you think?
Last edited by BCD; 03-24-2008 at 07:49 AM..