Originally Posted by Martian
Who gets to decide that? Who makes the decision of which people are deserving of life and which ones aren't?
I believe that has, and always should be, left up to society as a whole. You know, that whole "we the people" sort of thing when it comes to deciding what is right for ALL of us who obey the generally accepted rules of being ALLOWED to thrive / survive, in a lawful manner, within this community.
Originally Posted by Martian
These are human beings.
Technically, yes. These .. "human beings" .. have also earned another classification that separates them from the rest of the sane, law-abiding human beings (you know, "normal people") who have to live with these kinds of lunatics in their midsts. We liberal minded folk call them "animals". When an "animal" in our society takes the life of another citizen in our community, we put them down. I'm not suggesting you torture these animals, that would be inhumane and lower our standards, I'm merely stating that I firmly believe in my heart that they should be executed .. immediately.
It has been suggested in this thread that there is a wealth of knowledge to be learned from these animals that could benefit our society's future. Alright, perform your studies, learn what you can in a reasonable amount of time, then kill them, and let the rest of society get on with their sane existence.
Originally Posted by Martian
We don't want to think of them as such,
Rightfully so. Their very actions clearly demonstrate their differences between the acceptable norm of human behaviour and those of crazed animals who cannot abide by / reside within the accepted boundaries of the law of the land and refrain from inhumane practices on their fellow man.
Originally Posted by Martian
because we want to disassociate ourselves from the kind of creature that could do something like this, but like it or not it's what they are. Despicable, contemptible, evil, but human.
Human, yes. Deserving of the right to survive amongst the rest of the human population after such heinous acts .. definitely not. They have already proven to what lengths they are willing to go in proving just how inhumane and cruel they can be to an innocent and defenseless, mentally challenged expectant mother. You want me, the general public, to accept anything less than their lives to be extinguished as punishment for their despicable, contemptible, evil acts? You want me to vote for their lives to be spared for the sake of human rights, the very same rights they have demonstrated no regard for? I vote no.
Originally Posted by Martian
What makes them more or less deserving of life?
Reread this entire thread and the submitted link that states how they brutally tortured and unceremoniously killed an innocent woman and her unborn child. Not one innocent life, but technically two, taken without remorse or sane reason. I am somewhat surprised you needed this one clarified.
Originally Posted by Martian
Liberty, no. They have proven better than I could have imagined possible that freedom of action is a burden they're not capable of shouldering and this poor woman has paid the price. But to take away their life?
They have proven far more than just that to me, my friend. They have proven a high level of societal deficiency. Low moral integrity. Animalistic tendencies to the highest degree of inhumane proportions. They have proven that they apparently don't know right from wrong. They have proven that the death of an innocent woman and her unborn child is less important to them than their twisted, perverse desires to torture and humiliate her relentlessly.
Originally Posted by Martian
I know they did horrible things. It makes me sick thinking about it. I'm not outraged though. I'm saddened by this, depressed. Both because it forces me to face the knowledge that this is what my fellow man, my species, my people are capable of, and also because of the reaction.
You should be sickened by this, any decent human being would be, I should hope. I, personally, am outraged that more people aren't coming forward and crying out for their executions.
Originally Posted by Martian
A woman died. She was subjected to horrible, unimaginable suffering. And while we're not the ones who inflicted this on her, the burden of it is ours. These people, there's something wrong with them. Normal, compassionate people don't do things like this. They're broken in some fundamental way.
You are absolutely correct here. What was done to this woman is ... unthinkable. Inexcusable. Unforgivable. And yes, we are the ones left to speak for her, to see that her death is not dismissed, nor excused, nor forgiven. We have to mete out the punishment of those in our society who break the very rules we live by. Torture and murder being list toppers in my book. You're also right in that they are abnormal, broken on a fundamental level. These are not the type of people .. these animals .. that any of us want living in our midsts. That is why we have laws against such acts, and harsh punishment for committing such heinous crimes. The hope is that we never have to dole out a sentence of death for anyone who is willing to commit such wickedness, but we must when the need arises. That is our cross to bear in this and we must be vigilant in carrying out our task. We cannot allow such acts to go unpunished, and anything short of execution, in my book, is simply not punishment enough.
Originally Posted by Martian
And we can drag them out back and shoot them like a pack of dogs gone feral, or we can acknowledge that we can learn something from this. We can learn how they're broken, learn to recognize it, maybe even learn to fix it. We can take real steps towards preventing this kind of thing from happening again. That's far more important to me than any lust for vengeance.
I'm not proposing that we, as a society, lower to the level of the accused in this matter. There is no sane reason why they cannot be executed in the most humane fashion possible, lest it offend your sensitivities and those like you. And I mean you no insult by saying that. It's just a simple matter of differing perspectives in this from where I stand. I believe they should be executed publicly, say by firing squad, so that the rest of society knows right off, this is what you get for torturing and murdering our innocent members of the community. I think that would be far more productive in hindering the spread of the type of behaviour in our society, than holding the animal's hand while we stuff them full of drugs or gases to make them take their eternal dirt nap in a most peaceful nature. Personally, I'd rather they shit themselves in fear at the sound of the bullet being fired at their lunatic skulls, knowing with distinct finality that this is what their evil led them to, but that's just me.
Originally Posted by Martian
I was going to trot out the old 'where do we draw the line' argument regarding capital punishment, but frankly I just don't have it in me. Thinking about this is just too much for me. These are my thoughts, make of them what you will.
I believe in cases like this one, where there is no "reasonable doubt" that the accused are, beyond a shadow of a doubt, most certainly quite guilty, their execution should be public, it should be today, if not sooner, and it should be referred to as a demonstration of our resolve to put an end to this kind of atrocity in our society. This way, the victim's loved ones do not have to suffer the years upon years of waiting for justice to finally be served, wondering if there is going to be some reprieve for the monster who took their baby away from them, some loophole that gets him released on a legal blunder (technicality), or that the criminal might escape and seek further retribution on his victim's family .. you know .. just for sick, twisted spite and all.
Now I know there are those cases where the "accused" is actually quite innocent and erroneously charged, and I believe there should be extenuating circumstances and procedures to separate those cases from the ones where there is more than enough solid proof of guilt to proceed right to execution, but I'll save that passionate rant for the proper thread.
In closing I will say, you seem like a decent enough person to me. You're in a state of shock and/or dismay over this situation and I honestly feel compassion and remorse for how this has made you think and feel. But this is the society we live in, and we're in this kind of position because monsters like these stated here are not more severely punished for their heinous crimes to begin with. If we executed murderers expediently, and without all the red tape of second guessing our decisions to execute them in the first place, more of these lunatics might get the impression we mean business when we say "thou shalt not kill".