Originally Posted by UKking
Anyone (guys) else absolutely hate having their balls touched or licked? It has been known to not only ruin the moment for me, but has elicited a somewhat violent reaction from me when it happens, even by accident.
Probably cause for me:
I was repeatedly tortured with tickling by my brother and cousins when I was a kid. They would tickle me until I would pass out from not being able to breath. So, any type of tickling brings a violent reaction, since now the sensation brings pain, and no pleasure at all.
But, any other guys not like their balls touched in any way?
Well, make sure you tell your girl about that.
+ why does it tickle you so much anyways? Ok. I might have asked the wrong question here...however if there is nothing else to it than the issue isn't her touching your balls but you being very sensitive down there. This is a GOOD THING. All it takes is for you to be turned on enough to have it feel really, really good.
So if you are willing to have fun have your girl work on turning you on. Kissing other parts of you that are less sensitive first until you are ready to have your sides, earlobes, back of knee, inner thighs, and yes, balls licked. Good stuff!