Originally Posted by loquitur
I am not predicting Obama's political death. I'm just saying he is merely a politician - a very talented one, charismatic and clever, but still only a politician. He has baggage just like everyone else.
loquitur, I am still holding out hope that you have not been frequenting the right wing's <a href="">"Mighty Wurlitzer"</a> kool-ade stand...
yer right, EVERYONE has "baggage":
<a href=",1,271630.story?cset=true&ctrack=1&page=1&coll=chi-religion-topheadlines">Oprah Winfrey goes to Wright's church, too?</a> "Wright, 65, is a straight-talking pragmatist who arrived in Chicago as an outsider and became an institution. He has built a congregation of 8,500, including the likes of Oprah Winfrey and hip-hop artist Common, by offering an alternative to socially conservative black churches that are, Wright believes, too closely tied to Chicago's political dynasties." That's from a 2007 Chicago Tribune piece via <a href="">Hot Air</a>. This kind of makes me see Oprah a bit differently, too. "Not many people would associate Oprah’s easygoing nature and warm, welcoming appeal with the kind of oratory provided by Wright." As with Mitt Romney on <a href="">guns</a>, I'm starting to think that they haven't been entirely straight with us.
Huckabee, McCain keep rivalry in motion
Wednesday, February 27, 2008 3:06 AM
By Alan Johnson and James Nash
....Meanwhile, McCain campaigned yesterday in Cincinnati, where he appeared with the Rev. Rod Parsley of World Harvest Church of Columbus. McCain called Parsley a "spiritual guide," while Parsley later labeled McCain a "strong, true, consistent conservative....
The secular media never likes it when I say this, so let me say it twice. Man your battle stations! Ready your weapons! They say this rhetoric is so inciting. I came to incite a riot. ... Man your battle stations. Ready your weapons. Lock and load--for the thirty, forty liberal pastors who filed against our ministry with the Internal Revenue Service. ... Let the struggle begin. Let it begin in your heart today with a shout unto him who has called us to war--not only that, he has empowered you and I to win. —Rod Parsley
The pastor who accuses the United States of ‘black genocide’
Posted March 21st, 2008 at 2:22 pm
Barack Obama has gone to considerable lengths to distance himself from the inflammatory remarks of his former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, but some remarks are harder to dismiss. When Wright, for example, said the United States government has been complicit in facilitating black genocide, it was hard not to cringe and seek an explanation from the presidential candidate he’s associated with.
Oh, wait, did I say Jeremiah Wright? Actually, this is an argument <a href="">peddled</a> by the Rev. Rod Parsley, a man John McCain has praised as a “spiritual guide.”
In speeches that have gone largely unnoticed, Parsley (who is white) compares Planned Parenthood, the reproductive care and family planning group, to the Klu Klux Klan and Nazis, and describes the American government as enablers of murder for supporting the organization.
“If I were call for the sterilization or the elimination of an entire segment of society, I’d be labeled a racists or a murderer, or at very best a Nazi,” says Parsley. “That every single year, millions of our tax dollars are funding a national organization built upon that very goal — their target: African Americans. That’s right, the death toll: nearly fifteen hundred African Americans a day. The shocking truth of black genocide.”
He goes on.
“Right now our own government is allowing organizations like Planned Parenthood to legally take the innocent lives of precious baby girls and baby boys and even footing the bill for it all with our tax dollars, turning every single one of us into accessories to murder,” he says.
This comes on the heels of a <a href="">report</a> from David Corn who noted that the televangelist “called upon Christians to wage a ‘war’ against the ‘false religion’ of Islam with the aim of destroying it.”
Better yet, our old friend John Hagee is back in the news, too.
Greg Mitchell has <a href="">the story</a>:
In an interview that will appear in this Sunday’s New York Times Magazine, controversial televangelist Rev. John Hagee declares, “It’s true that [John] McCain’s campaign sought my endorsement.”...
Have you ever noticed loquitur....that white people are not asked about every obnoxious thing other white people have said and done? Why do you think that there is such a double standard practiced by those who get to ask the questions? How does the practice shape your POV?
Monday, January 23, 2006
To Tim Russert: Why Did You Ask Senator Obama About Harry Belafonte?
Tim Russert,
This Sunday, you asked Senator Barack Obama to respond to Harry Belafonte's remarks about George W. Bush being a "terrorist." Why?
Why did you ask this question?
Harry Belafonte isn't an elected official, he doesn't speak for Democrats, he doesn't represent Senator Obama, he doesn't represent the Democratic Party, and he is entitled to his own opinion.
And why did you direct this question to Senator Barack Obama in particular? And did you raise the issue of Harry Belafonte's recent comments with any previous guests? And is it true that Colin Powell is the only other person you've ever asked about Harry Belafonte?
We'd appreciate an explanation.
Monday, January 30, 2006
Tim, Quick Question
Why didn't you ask Bill Frist about <a href="">Ann Coulter</a> calling for the assassination of Justice John Paul Stevens?
posted by Dale Strayton at 8:04 PM
Interview on NBC's Meet the Press With Tim Russert
Secretary Colin L. Powell
Washington, DC
May 4, 2003
(10:30 a.m. EDT)
...MR. RUSSERT: You mentioned criticism of Castro. In fact, some artists and writers from the United States of America, led by Harry Belafonte, said that the United States has been guilty of harassment of Cuba, and this is a pretext for invasion.
SECRETARY POWELL: This is absolute nonsense, but we've gotten used to absolute nonsense coming from Mr. Belafonte. This isn't the first time that he has praised the Cuban regime and its outrageous --