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Old 03-23-2008, 06:39 PM   #149 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Ustwo

....But I digress, I think this thread is about calling people like us, you know small government, less regulation, economic freedom loving, fascists.
Ustwo, if there was to be "name" calling, directed toward you, it would be done more appropriately at the <a href="">rubber stamp</a> thread, but as of yet, no one has authored a thread on that subject:

Left and Right: The Prospects for Liberty
By Murray N. Rothbard
Posted on 3/11/2002

[Originally appeared in Left and Right, Spring 1965, pp. 4-22. The reprint of this article is occasioned by the startlingly uncritical attitude American conservatives have shown toward the consolidation of state power that has been unleashed since the atrocities of September 11.]
....and not a fucking peep out of you...


<h5>"Don't be fooled into thinking that this applies only to African-Americans. The sense of threatened tribalism is at the root of movement conservatism, and always has been.

This is why it was so easy to sell most of white America on the Iraq war. Polls showed that 2/3 thought that Saddam had something to do with 9/11, or at least close ties to AlQ. . . .

Take almost any one of their "thoughtful" screeds about Islam and do a global search/replace from "Islam" to "niggers" and the text becomes instantly recognizable. This racist energy had for a long time been at least partly directed towards "the Communists" but now that it isn't it is pretty much clear that Islam is now the designated nigger."</h5>

There is no better phrase to describe the animating feature of the modern Limbaugh/Kristol/Fox News conservative faction than "threatened tribalism." The belief that they are good and pure, yet subjected to unprecedented systematic unfairness and threatened by some lurking Evil Other against whom war must be waged (the Muslim, the Immigrant, the Terrorist, the Communist, the Liberal, the Welfare Queen) is the centerpiece of their ugly worldview.
...and again, in the aftermath of what is described above, not a fucking peep out of you...

Maybe the most blatant example; a declaration by "your president", on the same day that the Wall Street bailout "Op" was going down:
Originally Posted by Gaetano Salvemini
....the State pays for the blunders of private enterprise... Profit is private and individual. Loss is public and social."....
Your president, the leader you have consistantly "rubber stamped" in every way, was lamenting that he would love to help bailout homeowners, but...

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
March 14, 2008

President Bush Visits the Economic Club of New York

11:20 A.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT:...First of all, in a free market, there's going to be good times and bad times. That's how markets work. There will be ups and downs. And after 52 consecutive months of job growth, which is a record, our economy obviously is going through a tough time. It's going through a tough time in the housing market, and it's going through a tough time in the financial markets....

....Our job in Washington is to foster enterprise and ingenuity, so we can ensure our economy is flexible enough to adjust to adversity, and strong enough to attract capital. And the challenge is not to do anything foolish in the meantime. In the long run, I'm confident that our economy will continue to grow, because the foundation is solid......

...The purpose of government ought to be to help the individuals, not those who, like -- who speculated in homes. This bill sends the wrong signal to the market.

Secondly, some have suggested we change the bankruptcy courts, the bankruptcy code, to give bankruptcy judges the authority to reduce mortgage debts by judicial decree. I think that sends the wrong message. It would be unfair to millions of homeowners who have made the hard spending choices necessary to pay their mortgages on time. It would further rattle credit markets. It would actually cause interest rates to go up. If banks think that judges might step in and write down the value of home loans, they're going to charge higher interest rates to cover that risk. This idea would make it harder for responsible first-time home buyers to be able to afford a home.

There are some in Washington who say we ought to artificially prop up home prices. You know, it sounds reasonable in a speech -- I guess -- but it's not going to help first-time home buyers, for example. A lot of people have been priced out of the market right now because of decisions made by others. <h2>The market is in the process of correcting itself; markets must have time to correct. Delaying that correction would only prolong the problem</h2>......
[12] For examples of the attractions of Fascist and right-wing collectivist ideas and plans for American big businessmen in this era, see Murray N. Rothbard, America's Great Depression (Princeton: Van Nostrand, 1963). Also cf. Gaetano Salvemini and George LaPiana, What To Do With Italy (New York: Duell, Sloan, and Pearce, 1943), pp. 65ff.

Of the Fascist economy, Salvemini perceptively wrote: "In actual fact, it is the State, i.e., the taxpayer who has become responsible to private enterprise. <h3>In Fascist Italy the State pays for the blunders of private enterprise... Profit is private and individual. Loss is public and social." Gaetano Salvemini, Under the Axe of Fascism (London: Victor Gollancz, 1936), p. 416.
Fed moves in to avert meltdown
By Edmund L. Andrews
Published: March 17, 2008

.....After a weekend of intense negotiations, the Federal Reserve approved a $30 billion loan to help JPMorgan Chase acquire Bear Stearns, one of the biggest firms on Wall Street, which had been teetering near collapse because of its deepening losses in the mortgage market.

In a highly unusual maneuver, Fed officials said they would minimize the central bank's own risk by taking direct control over Bear Stearns's huge portfolio of financial assets.

The Fed, working closely with bank regulators and the Treasury Department, raced to complete the deal Sunday night in order to prevent investors from panicking on Monday about Bear Stearns's ability to make good on billions of dollars in trading commitments.

In a potentially even bigger move, the Federal Reserve also announced its biggest commitment yet to lend money to cash-strapped investment banks.

<h2>The central bank said its new lending program would make money available to the 20 large investment banks that serve as "primary dealers" and trade Treasury securities directly with the Fed.

Much like a $200 billion loan program the Fed announced last Tuesday, this program will essentially agree to hold as collateral a wide variety of securities that include hard-to-sell securities backed by mortgages.

But Fed officials told reporters on Sunday night that the new program would have no limit on the amount of money that can be borrowed.</h2>

It was unclear just how much risk the Federal Reserve was taking on, especially in the bailout of Bear Stearns.

Fed officials said they would take control of Bear Stearns's investment holdings in order to maximize their value and minimize disruptions as a result of a cash squeeze.

Without providing details, Fed officials insisted that the $30 billion in loans was "over-collateralized" and thus secure....

...."For those who have already taken on too much debt or who are not creditworthy, making available funds to borrow does not get at the critical issue," said Lawrence Summers, who was a Treasury secretary under President Bill Clinton. "There is a fundamental issue, which is that the financial system is short of capital and is under pressure to contract."

Henry Paulson Jr., the Treasury secretary, vigorously endorsed the Fed's rescue efforts on Sunday and made it clear he was much less worried about the "moral hazard" of bailing out a Wall Street firm than he was about a chain reaction of defaults if Bear Stearns were to abruptly collapse.

"The right decision here, I am convinced, was the decision that the Fed made, which was to do things, work with market participants to minimize the disruptions," Paulson said on "This Week With George Stephanopoulos" on ABC......
No terms in the weekend bailout of the criminals who caused the destablization of the "model" US economic system were too sweet, too excessive, too contrary to what Bush had said made it impossible to "bail out" homeowners:
Originally Posted by Bush

...The market is in the process of correcting itself; markets must have time to correct. Delaying that correction would only prolong the problem....
For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
March 17, 2008

President Bush Discusses Economy

....First of all, the Secretary has given me an update. One thing is for certain -- we're in challenging times. But another thing is for certain -- that we've taken strong and decisive action. The Federal Reserve has moved quickly to bring order to the financial markets. Secretary Paulson has been -- is supportive of that action, as am I. And I want to thank you, Mr. Secretary, for working over the weekend. You've shown the country and the world that the United States is on top of the situation.

President George W. Bush is flanked by Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, and Hank Paulson, Secretary of the Treasury, during a meeting at the White House Monday, March 17, 2008, with the President's Working Group on Financial Markets. White House photo by Joyce N. Boghosian Secondly, you've reaffirmed the fact that our financial institutions are strong and that our capital markets are functioning efficiently and effectively. We obviously will continue to monitor the situation and when need be, will act decisively, in a way that continues to bring order to the financial markets......
Total hypocrisy and blatant preference toward transference of taxpayer obligated new debt to perform the bailout of the economic and politcally connected elite, which as Bush said on March 14, would do exactly what Bush said should not be done for homeowners, because:
Originally Posted by Bush
markets must have time to correct. Delaying that correction would only prolong the problem....
....and not a fucking peep out of you, opposition to any of it, that I can recall, posted anywhere on this forum.

2. also rub·ber·stamp (rbr-stmp)
a. A person or body that gives perfunctory approval or endorsement of a policy without assessing its merit.
b. A perfunctory approval or endorsement.

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