Originally Posted by powerclown
Makes sense. Insects as genetically programmed for the survival and care of the colony, as opposed to the survival and care of their own offspring. The ramifications are interesting. Did you know that worker ants are females who are fanatically devoted to the other female ants, but not so much devoted the male ants? And that it is the elder female ants (as opposed to young males) which are sent out to fight and protect the colony? This came as a surprise to me; they're amazonian femi-nazis, kinda like Hilary.
Actually this too is a genetic relatedness question.
Males in the colony will be from the outside, they are less related to the sisters than anyone else in the hive. Ant colonies are a good example for the weakness of asexual reproduction, because if any place should have it, its an insect colony.
So far there is only one 'animal' with long term asexual success, and its a bit of a mystery as to why they have it when almost every other asexual species eventually dies out.
But I digress, I think this thread is about calling people like us, you know small government, less regulation, economic freedom loving, fascists.