Originally Posted by Strange Famous
Well, maybe it sounds sexist or old fashioned, but its how I feel.
The State sponsored taking of a life is not something to be undertaken lightly. It is very serious.
[irony]I know, I know....women and children are precious, and sperm is cheap.[/mygod,howdoyouturnthisthingoff?!]
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
recreating the disembowling scene in braveheart sounds to me like an appropriate punishment.
Why focus solely on that?
They should be taken from the courtroom, "stripped naked and dragged through the city at the heels of a horse to the [Alton town square]. [They should be] hanged, drawn and quartered — strangled by hanging but released while still alive, emasculated[/castrated], eviscerated and [their] bowels burnt before them, beheaded, then cut into four parts [each]. [Their] preserved [heads should be] placed on a [pikes] atop [the Clark Bridge by the Mississipi]. It [should later be joined by the heads of everyone else guilty of such crimes in Illinois]. [Their] limbs [should be] displayed, separately, in [Chicago, Aurora, Rockford, and Naperville]."
[/irony, dammit! /IRONY]