The following preparations WORKED for me to pass a piss test (the rapid/instant- done-as-you-wait) test on Friday 3/21.
I had smoked boo daily until quite late Monday morning (3/17). I stopped then until I got home from taking the test 4 days later.
On Thursday at noon I begin drinking 16 oz. of plain water every two hours. I did this until I went to bed at midnight. (I took two multi vitamins with the last glass) I woke up at 7 am on the test day and continued drinking 16 oz. of water, only now I did it every 90 minutes. I also had three cups pf coffee during the hours between 7 am and noon. Two hours before the test I drank a liter of gator aid, then another one one hour before the test. Then during that last hour I drank two med. cups of strong coffee. I brought a container in the car with me to piss in as I was by then pissing every 15-to-20 minutes. I took the test @ 3:10 and passed.
Good luck to all! Also, Barney Frank is submitting a bill to de-criminalize having small quantities of pot for personal use. PLEASE send your Congressman/woman your support of this bill!