Originally Posted by Push-Pull
I agree with Xeph. It is a big deal, but with the added emphasis on that it isn't critical that you get started now.
If you must pursue it, then here's my advice....
1) Find woman whose company you enjoy.
2) Explore common interests
3) Have fun and laugh a lot
4) Fall in love
5) Have sex when it finally comes around
I would also add that it is very important that you just relax about it. Refuse to let this get to you and drive your decisions. Any potential mate will probably pick up on this and it could complicate matters. Not to say that you shouldn't talk about it if it comes up, but don't make it a big issue. Stay cool, and good things will happen.
Originally Posted by Sultana
A girl's not going to just fall on your dick, man.
Originally Posted by Martian
The thing is, it's hard, but it's simple. It all boils down to just eating your social barriers and getting out there. Manning up, if you will. There's no workarounds, there's no easy way to do it. You go out and do things you enjoy doing and make a point to interact with no people while you're at it. You may even embarrass yourself a few times, but you keep doing it anyway.
The way I see it is, if you're asking for advice you must not be happy with the way you are now. So why not be the person you want to be? If you want to be social, why not just go out and do it? What's actually stopping you, apart from yourself?
Quoted for truth.
I was a 24-year-old virgin. And you know what I realized? The simple fact is, people who don't get laid until later in life most often simply don't care. You HAVE to care, above all. Enough to say "fuck it", screw your fears and pretensions, go out there, and strike up honest conversations with strangers. Date a few different people a few times, figure out what you're looking for, and how to appeal to the kind of mate you're interested in. Once you figure that out, you're golden.
I think it's really important to be in love and have sex frequently. Why? Simple. You'll live longer, be healthier, and enjoy life more fully.
I've met so many people who think they'll just sorta meet someone and sorta happen to fall in love. Doesn't work that way. You have to care enough to reach out to them!