Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
So you don't think profiling or other applications of information has any value? You don't see the value of psychological case studies for further understanding? What we know now of psychology, criminology, etc., was learned from study, not executions.
First of all, I think there are enough of sadistic murderers
already incarcerated to keep the "studiers" occupied without adding the guilty parties here to the payroll. Second, what exactly do we know about psychology, criminology, etc, from hundreds of years of study, that benefits, Dorothy Dixon?
This sounds disingenuous. Is this an emotional response or do you think this would be a benefit? Would you carry out such a study? To be monstrous to the monster?
It would benefit the guilty parties by teaching them personal responsibility. And maybe they are completely unaware of the fact that torture is pianful. So what better way to learn than
first hand experience.
Now I'll turn your question back on you. Would
you be willing to carry out
your proposed studies........in your home? Is it important enough to you to find the "answers" that you that you would be willing to expose yourself and your family to them and become there caretaker? Because a sanitized clinical study wouldn't be
nearly thorough enough. One would actually have to be able to observe the interacting 24/7 much like Jane Goodall did with the animals she studied.