Originally Posted by mrklixx
The only truly 100% effective way to prevent the guilty parties from harming other people is to end their existence. Period. Life in prison does not offer that same guarantee. Escapes happen. Clerical errors happen. Violence against inmates and prison staff happens.
So you don't think profiling or other applications of information has any value? You don't see the value of psychological case studies for further understanding? What we know now of psychology, criminology, etc., was learned from study, not executions.
Originally Posted by mrklixx
The only thing worth keeping the guilty parties alive to study, is how they would react to having the same thing done to them.
This sounds disingenuous. Is this an emotional response or do you think this would be a benefit? Would you carry out such a study? To be monstrous to the monster?
Originally Posted by savmesom11
Maybe I'm the sick one, I don't know but I do know that I think those who show no remorse or regard for human life deserve exactly the same.
So one must become a monster to deal with a monster? How is that a benefit to society?
Originally Posted by LoganSnake
BBs through the eyes. Bullets through the joints. Decapitation.
Humane. Dignified. Again, we must become the monster to deal with it?
Originally Posted by LoganSnake
Studied by doctors? As far as I'm concerned, these creatures aren't human and don't deserve to be treated as such.
This is a cop-out. They are human. The suggestion that they aren't is a Romantic ideal. I had hoped by now that we are done dealing with the hangover we've suffered from that period. Can we please move on to something productive? It's the 21st century already. (And doctors have come a long way since hacksaw amputations, leeches, and bloodletting.)