So you hire your lawyer to write up your prenuptual agreement. It is a reasonably complex document.
Your lawyer goes to your cousin, and says "Give me 100,000$, and I'll slip some provisions into the prenup that will allow you to fleece those two suckers."
Your cousin accepts.
Under the advice of your lawyer, you sign the prenup. Then they clean you out.
The trick here is that the politician has influence and control over things placed in trust. As does the beaurocrat. They do not "own" the public purse: they control it in trust for the people.
Just like your lawyer didn't own your assets. But because she had influence over the legal status of them, if he chose to he could screw you in exchange for consideration.
But they can fill their pockets by accepting bribes to redirect public money.
Last edited by JHVH : 10-29-4004 BC at 09:00 PM. Reason: Time for a rest.