Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
Differences are not overcome by ignoring them. We can't just "stop talking about race" and then watch it magically disappear. That's exactly what we've been doing for so long, and you know what - I'm still instinctively more suspicious of a random black man when I'm walking alone down a city street than I am of a random white man. I know it's not rational, but it's still there. Racial tensions are not based on rational thought, they're based on a lack of understanding the other. We fear that which we do not understand.
Hear hear.
Yesterday Rush Limbaugh said Obama was "opening racial wounds that have been closed for 30 years". I had to laugh right out loud at the ignorance and arrogance it takes to say such a thing. I mean, SURE they've been closed for YOU, a rich, fat, white man. Your drug of choice is
prescription, for crying out loud. How about asking the people who those racial wounds ACTUALLY WOUNDED? They'd tell you they're ANYTHING but closed.