f its societies fault alone, why are lower class whites lower class at all?
What makes them poor and uneducated as they were never slaves?
Why can some 'escape' while others never can?
Now this thread will go all political on you, but before that let me add this link...
I'm sure someone will point out this site is all uber conservative, nazi, or has mob ties, I haven't researched it, it was the first hit I could find on the subject.
a bunch of random correlations
The concept of the above is that as blacks overall are doing better in society their crime rates and being victims of crime seems to be increasing, while the opposite happens for whites.
I think there is more going on here than basic poverty, being poor alone does not make you a criminal and not every problem in the black community is whitey's fault.
What you're demonstrated is the difference between correlation and causation. There is nothing to indicate from the actual report that these two things CAUSE one another, only that they seem to occur simultaneously. I'd be willing to bet that black crime rate also increases when the weather is warmer, but that doesn't mean warm weather causes black people to commit more crimes.
Everytime this issue comes up, the conservative viewpoint (typically older white males) seems to be "well, I came from a broken home and I made it, why can't they"? Or "my dad was an alcholic and a drug addict and I didn't become one, why are they.."
What it seems to ignore is the inherent privilege that you had which made it EASIER to overcome the difficulty of your youth. Conservatives hate to hear the word "privilege," because none of them think they actually HAVE any.