Salem Comm. radio's 1600 stations distributed <a href="">Laura Ingram's</a> "show" this AM...highlights were the broadcasting of Obama's speech snippet:
News results for obama "typical white person"
CNN Political Ticker Obama Helpfully Clarifies That His Grandmother Is a "Typical White ... - 22 hours ago
Obama told Cataldi that "The point I was making was not that my grandmother harbors any racial animosity, but that <h3>she is a typical white person</h3>. ...
National Review Online - 2707 related articles »
...and the stereo "typical white person" Message, belies the fact that this is a combined, conservative/GOP/christian evangelical, politcial "push back" against Obama's reconciliation and appeal for a dialogue, speech.
Ratbastid....who is it that Obama inspires you to think will be "unified"? There is no audience that is not already, reasonably unified in reasonableness, IMO.
....and SOuthern Baptist Theological Seminary's director,
Russell D. Moore, expressing his sympathy for "the Obama daughters", subjected to exposure to the church of Jeremiah Wright, EXACTLY the same as a white child being immersed in a white supremacist group.
I still think it would be best for Obama to switch his emphasis to discussion of the economy, and how to keep the coming hardship in the lap of the speculators who have triggered the coming depression...
,,,,Salem Comm's audience is the target of Obama's speech, it fell on deaf ears.