Originally Posted by ratbastid
.....Actually, I think if it was going to be ANYBODY from the Right, it'd be Huckabee. He no longer has a horse in the race, so he can say anything he wants to. Plus, he comes from a religious background, and I believe he's a good man with a good head on his shoulders (his wacky-ass tax plan notwithstanding). I disagree with his policy almost 100%, yet I find him very likable as a person. I was proud of him, to hear him say what he said about all this......
In view of the information about Huckabee that I have presented on this forum,
<a href="http://www.tfproject.org/tfp/showpost.php?p=2365145&postcount=23">Link to my post....</a>, I cannot comprehend how you could "believe he's a good man with a good head on his shoulders", when, in all likelihood, Huckabee is as "whacked out" as the co-author of his book. George Grant.
IMO. Huckabee was probably potentially the most dangerous candidate in the presidential race. Visiting Israel nine times during his life, I posted on this forum, (<a href="http://www.tfproject.org/tfp/showthread.php?p=2383074&highlight=huckabee+israel#post2383074">link</a>) information supporting the premise that Huckabee's world view and foreign policy "vision", began and ended with Israel. He exhibited little or no knowledge about anything having to do with foreign policy, related to any other country or region. He is John Hagee in a politician's suit, IMO.
Consider that Huckabee decided to write a book with Grant, a guy who has said this:
"Christians have an obligation, a mandate, a commission, a holy responsibility to reclaim the land for Jesus Christ -- to have dominion in civil structures, just as in every other aspect of life and godliness.
But it is dominion we are after. Not just a voice.
It is dominion we are after. Not just influence.
It is dominion we are after. Not just equal time.
It is dominion we are after.
World conquest. That's what Christ has commissioned us to accomplish."
Consider that the book authored by Grant that the quote above came from, was written well beofre Huckabee chose the man as his co-author:
Christian Nationalism: Parallel Reality, Parallel Institutions
Apr 6, 2007 ... World conquest, that's what Christ has commissioned us to accomplish. We must win the world with the power of the Gospel, and we must never ...
At least read the whole post that I linked, and respond over there, to this, please?