Good going getting Best Buy to send you the replacement. The only dealings I have with BB is through Geek Squad, and that is only because I know the guy that works there...
I know where he lives and sleeps... He can't screw me over that badly without a damned good reason...
Originally Posted by ngdawg
"Go fuck off. We delivered it, not our job to make sure the person who signed for it was the person on the label".
Originally Posted by Martian
I wonder whose job they think it is?
It was obviously the sender's responsibility, duh. He was supposed to ride with the package and make sure that the person receiving the package was the intended recipient.
Quick and easy fix. The plan:
- The recipient gets a PIN (from the sender?)
- Recipient must type in correct PIN before receiving package (driver does not know PIN)
- Recipient signs that package has been received
- Recipient opens package to validate contents
- Recipient now signs the contents are what was supposed to be shipped
This works as far as I see it, with UPS, as all the UPS guys that came to my door have those bastard of electronic pads that are evil to sign your name on. The only new things added are the PIN and a second signature. I stole this from my previous school where students must pick up important documents, sign that they picked up documents, and sign again validating that they were the correct documents.