This truly is a disgusting election from a gunowner's perspective. We had one chance, just one, and we blew it. Unless the every other gunowner in the US is planning a write-in campaign and I missed the memo, we totally botched (or allowed to -be- botched -for- us by hostile interests) Ron Paul's primary run. There's eighty-friggin-million of us, for Christ's sake, and we couldn't get this man the GOP nomination. The -only- progun candidate in the field, the only such candidate in God-alone-knows HOW many years...and we fucking blew it. And now we get Bad (McCain), Worse(Obama), and Terrifying To Contemplate(Hillary). I feel like I came back from Prague and found that Kafka had beaten me home. That's what doing in a free-ish country will do I suppose; their politicians still get in fistfights over the budget.* Whole country lacked a working national government for seven months; got along just fine. Hunters all over the place. Folks thought the photos of my folks' shop and my Mom shooting her .50 were hysterical: not perhaps as far as they'd take things, but nothing repellent or frightening. One of the gun-friendliest countries in Europe, surplus hardward all over the place if you knew where to look, and all legitimate. Machine-guns in surplus shops that you could take home for about $1,200 with the proper paperwork. Getting the "B" license seems somewhere between getting a CCW and a Form 4 in US in terms of expense, time, and difficulty. Oh, and ammo's about $.03 per round over there. Now, this is for Czech citizens only, mind; no foreigners. But for those with a mind, it could be quite simple. A client of mine hunted wild hogs with an M1-A...she a female lawyer in her mid-late 30s with a child.
And I come home to find the U.S. sinking into precisely the morass that Europe spent most of the last century killing itself in. Europe, having experianced both Fascism and Socialism first-hand, are appalled and darkly amused (and sometimes deeply frightened) by the way the U.S. seems to be sliding into some unsavoury hybrid of the two.
McCain. Obama. And the She-Clinton. It's enough to put a man off his whiskey.
*The willingness of politicians to assault one another is always a good measure of their honesty, especially when done over arguments of principal.