Rat, I did miss it I appologize. Here's my response to it.
Originally Posted by ratbastid
You're buying the right-wing spin. What he SAID was "I wasn't there when those sermons that got onto YouTube were given". And that's true, he wasn't. He was out on the campaign trail on those particular days. He never said that he had never heard Wright say controversial things.
Really? Let's see dates. From what I understand the sermon stating the US deserved 9/11 happened shortly after 9/11/01.
I'd be interested to see the dates of the sermons and where Obama was supposed to be.
If all these were sermons given while Obama was on the campaign trail, then one has to wonder was Wright trying to destroy Obama? I mean he had to have known these sermons would come back at Obama.
But even Obama admitted yesterday he was there when some of the hate sermons were delivered.
But if not the sermons that are on YouTube..... there are more? What was said then?
But of course you've been against Obama from the beginning.
I have? I singled Obama out back 1 month ago? 2 Months ago? I stated a severe dislike and how I was against him?
Please show me the posts.
In this case yes, too many discrepancies, too many excuses, not to be.
At the very least, can you admit that his speech gives us a unique opportunity to address racial issues? Can you get beyond your bias against the man long enough to see the good this speech might have done for the country? Because we're suddenly having a very unique conversation in this country--and by clinging to your Obama-fixated cynicism, you're making SURE that you're not part of it.
It was a good speech, was it "I Have a Dream"? No. It was what it was.. a political move solely made for damage control. How am I clinging to my Obama-fixated cyincism? I'm just asking questions and stating my opinions and feelings....that is it. Everyone is entitled to do that, last time I checked.
I don't accuse you of not answering or talking to me like I am closed minded simply because you are fixated on Obama winning and you don't care about or make excuses for the questions others may have or attack those asking them telling them they already have closed minds and so on. You have no idea how open minded or closed minded I was when I heard the speech. Why assume such?
Oh My God Please let's not go back there. Please don't be so vain as to think that this thread is about you. Nothing I've said--including things responding to you--is about you.
Because, when I have given my opinion and asked questions I have had... the responses are quite similar every time... racism is insinuated, me having a closed mind is stated, people discuss how I have been against Obama from day one and so on. In other words the following posts do not answer the questions but attack me for asking them, in one way or another... subtly or outright.
The whole quote that you failed to post was this
Say what you want about me, but these are legitimate questions that need answered if we are to elect this man.
I acknowledged the personal attacks I would face (close minded, how I have always been against Obama... and so on) and stated that I believed the questions were legitimate and should be answered.
I don't want this about me. I want someone to answer the questions without talking down to me, dismissing them, telling me I already had my mind made up, and so on. I don't think that is unfair to ask. I think it is very fair for me to ask and expect answers to from those who support him and are trying to win my vote or persuade me to open myself up to his message.
Edit: Um... Except, of course, for the one post above that WAS about you, which I agree with roachboy was, at the very least, off-topic.
Again, I do not want this about me. I do not single anyone out, I simply respond to the posts that respond to me. The vast majority if not all tend to attack subtly or outright but refuse to answer the questions I ask.
Originally Posted by Ace_O_Spades
First let me say that you really have a lot of free time for typing, or you just type really fast... Or practice in front of the mirror while you shave, who knows.
First of all, is this not a personal attack that has nothing to do with the topic??????? But when I say
Originally Posted by pan6467
Say what you want about me, but these are legitimate questions that need answered if we are to elect this man.
I'm accused of trying to make this all about me. But then when I say I'm attacked personally, everyone asks astonished and like they don't see it "really where? You aren't being attacked."
Why put him on the advisory committee? Perhaps because he wanted spiritual advice from his pastor? Someone he knew personally who would give him what he needed from the religious portion of his life. Why would he go to someone he didn't know?
But this and your final statement seem to contradict each other and not just by a little.
Also, the underlined section from your quote is quite inflammatory and baseless. It is quite the red herring, but we're not fooled. Too bad most of us don't get to vote and most Americans are gullible reactionaries. See? I can be inflammatory too!
It's a question I have. To me I wonder after this past week or so. Call it what you will and come up with some cutesy attack...but to me IMHO it's an extremely legitimate question I have.
Instead of answering it, you attack it. Then tell me how closed minded I am and how I am jumping at conclusions. I didn't jump to any conclusion, I simply posed a question that I have.
But... you're not running for president... so you don't have thousands of people dedicated to going over your life with a fine tooth comb to find out what nutjob is in your past that may have done or said something questionable.
Exactly, and someone that is should know that if you put someone like Rev. Wright on your election advisory committee, you will be checked. Especially when this isn't just someone of the street supporting you, but the man you call your spiritual/religious mentor.
So are you implying that Rev. Wright is some nutjob that did and/or said something questionable? If so, then why is this man, Obama, calling him his spiritual/religious mentor and how he has been a follower for 20 years?
So what exactly is Rev. Wright to Obama?
Originally Posted by Ace_O_Spades
Someone he knew personally who would give him what he needed from the religious portion of his life.
Originally Posted by Ace_O_Spades
nutjob is in (Obama's) past that may have done or said something questionable.
Originally Posted by Tully Mars
I agree with the tone many others here have set. If you were inclined to like Obama prior to his speech his speech probably solidified that preference. If you were inclined to dislike Obama his speech did little to change your opinion of him.
hat I can agree with.
If you're looking for a reason to dislike him Mr. Wright's a fairly large target. Personally I admire the fact Obama didn't throw him under the bus.
It was a catch 22, if he did he may have won some votes, if he didn't he may have lost some votes for the exact same reason... a question of character. It was a no win situation.
But he was quick to throw his white grandma under that bus.
But I was for Obama before this became the lead story following every commercial break on every 24 hr. news channel.
That's more than fair and I respect that.