Originally Posted by jewels
I agree with RB: Your cynicism is astounding and unwielding. Not open minded = closed minded, ya?
So if this issue had not been brought to light, you'd be more open minded about Obama? Your posts pre-Reverend didn't sound any different than those since the video was released.
Really, what were my posts on Obama pre-controversy? What were my comments on any of the candidates?
And yes, if Obama had come out with this speech before any of this, instead of lying and saying "I never saw or heard him say those things."
But he didn't, and to me that speaks volumes on his character and persona.
I have the right to question. I have the right to my beliefs.
It's one thing, Ace, to out your friends and go after them. It's another to claim to be a uniter and have such a divisive man sit on your election committee and call him your spiritual and religious mentor.
Again, you don't answer the questions, I pose, with your opinions of why I should listen and believe in this speech. You attack and talk about being closed minded, How I was anti-Obama before all this (I didn't follow Obama before any of this because I had my candidate already (Edwards)), I'd like to see these anti-Obama posts I had out before. You talk about how I need to look at how "privileged I was".
Even when I share my past and what I have seen and my interactions with people of differing backgrounds, I'm still small minded and just not giving Obama a chance.
This man is running for president of my country, I have every right to hold him to different standards than I would hold someone who lives next door to me. I have every right to question his actions, I believe it is necessary to, considering the job he wants.
But no, I'm supposed to listen to a campaign saving speech and hear things that make me question even more, ignore all that and believe what he says this time and not question him anymore? Bullshit.
Last week it was "I never heard or saw those things." This week it's "I was appalled, disgusted and vehemently disagreed but I kept going and put him on my election advisory committee and called him my spiritual and religious mentor.... even though I disagreed with his hatespeak and the hateful messages he had in his sermons."
Well which is it? You weren't there or you were. And what of next week if it comes out you actually sat front row during some of those sermons and film exists of you raising your hands and nodding and yelling praise as he delivers one of these sermons? What will you say then?
I think we should be allowed to ask these questions and we should have answers to them. It is our duty in protecting the nation to know what our leaders believe.
Right now, I have to many questions, no true answers and all I see are attacks on how I am closed minded, how I already made my decisions and so on.... but I have yet to hear answers to the questions.
Too many questions..... nothing but implied racism for asking the questions before, then a lie last week and a save my campaign speech this week. Doesn't work for me.
Originally Posted by Ace_O_Spades
You make no argument that Obama is using hate, prejudice and anger in his campaign. Just that someone he happens to love does these things. That doesn't mean Obama supports his ideas. You've disregarded decades of the man's actions and are focusing on two or three questionable decisions, not all of which Obama was probably even aware of.
How can you go your entire life WITHOUT admiring someone who ends up being a tad skewed behind the curtains. Surely you don't repudiate and shun everyone who doesn't meet your base evaluation of them?
Again, about me and telling me what I've disregarded and how I judge people.... but not a word on why I should vote or believe Obama.
Admiring is one thing, calling someone my spiritual and religious mentor, I'm going to know everything about the man because my spirituality and beliefs are very important to me and I'm not going to just follow some schmoe, I have no intention of wanting to be like spiritually. But maybe Obama isn't all that spiritual, maybe this was just his way of garnering the black vote because having seen others black men called not black enough, he knew he needed to make sure that he couldn't be labeled that. But we don't know do we.
Admiring and being friends with someone is one thing.... but naming him to my election committee is something else. If I'm running for president, I'm making sure the people on my advisory committee are people who best exemplify my beliefs.