loquitir, and Ustwo, the thing that both of you do not yet seem to grasp, is the thing that homebuilders failed to grasp until it was too late.
Our economy is moving into a phase where, as homebuilders have found the hard way, there will be too small of a base of individuals who will likely be both willing and able to pay you for your services, to sustain your overhead and income requirements....
The time when it will happen is drawing close enough now that I can post about it without seeming like I am posting concepts most regard to be "on the fringe".
Sunday's "news" changed all that. When was the last time you can recall the Fed announcing a between FOMC meeting interest rate cut, on a sunday?
When was the last time the Fed cut the key short term interest rate, 3.25 pts. in less than 6 months? The answer to both questions is "never"!
When was the last time the Fed permitted brokerages....not banks....brokerages, to borrow funds at the Fed "discount window"....the answer is, "not since the 1930s depression".
Capisce, amici?