Matt Ridley.
The son and heir of a Viscount, adulterer of science to justify and glorify much of the destruction that Thatcher wrought upon my country and a member of the board for 14 years of a company that has just been nationalised, SOCIALISM! *gasp!*, because it's management was so ludicrously inept that the contagion of runs on UK banks that his mismanagement caused (he was singled out by a parliamentary committee) could well have brought down the entire financial apparatus of the country should the strangely absent "invisible hand" have been allowed to do it's work unchecked.
Matt @ Northern Rock
The Northern Rock Debacle (bail-outs of US$60-80bn according to the Bank of England chairman, roughly a US$6000 bill for every British family)
What he knows of genetics is debatable, but what he knows of economics and morality certainly aren't.
The work of that man should be utilized to it's fullest potential in the lavatories across every nation that it is now available.