Originally Posted by Charlatan
Ustwo... while I will agree that the colour of Obama's skin has something to do with him still being in the race, I will not agree that it is the only reason.
The fact that George Bush is white is why he managed to get so much of the white vote in the last election. It wasn't everything but it was a factor.
I recognize that a small part of me would like to see a black man as president. But a larger part of me recognizes that words and actions are far more important than the colour of someone's skin. It doesn't matter what colour Jesse Jackson or George Bush is, I still wouldn't vote for either of them.
I tend to take Jazz's view on this. If they have something to teach me, I don't care what their other views are. In fact, I would use my contact as an opportunity to argue with them about their views with which I don't agree.
My belief on a Rabbi is if I go to them and they tell me x, I have to accept what they say since I am going there for guidance. If I have strong objections to the person then I will not go there. Also almost all great Rabbis worth anything, have nothing to do with politics and if you ask them about any of these things (except for the topic of Israel) they will tell you the Jewish philosophy treat your neighbor how you would like to treat yourself. To me if the Rabbi I see came out and told me to do a, b or c, I would either follow him and if I disliked and felt some major issue I would never return, by going to him I accept his instruction. That is the Jewish system.
But you have to understand how great Rabbis work, recently there was an issue about a concert in the Jewish community, and a Rabbi 2 weeks before it said it should not happen. People were upset, there was lots of issues, and a lot of people said why wait so long etc... The Rabbi finally came out and said when it comes ot life and death you listen, but here when money is involved you all of a sudden question, and the reason for the delay was I was asked the question 2 weeks before it happened. That is the way it works, they may teach us daily give lectures on jewish concepts, but they do not give guidance unless asked.