There are dumbasses who poke fun at people for being a virgin and humiliate them for their lack of sexual experience. They're dumbasses, so who gives a crap what they think? You are obviously not a dumbass, and clearly ahead of the game compared to those kind of people. So avoid, or disassociate yourself from anyone who has a problem with your virginity.
The rest of us, couldn't care less about your sexual escapades, or lack thereof. That's not to say that I, or every other decent person here who has attempted to give you some sincerely, heart-felt advice about your posted situation, are insensitive to how you feel about all of this. We simply don't care that you've never had sex. Am I making my point here? Decent folk understand virginity and how virgins feel awkwardly about it. We were all virgins once. Trust me, that WILL eventually pass and you will forget about it like most everyone else forgot about theirs. BE PATIENT
Most people who have had sex, rarely give virginity a glance back, once they lose it, unless they lost it in some very horrible or wonderfully memorable way. So your virginity .. really .. only truly matters to you .. and dumbasses. You want to be in the same category as them?
Heed the advice that's been given in this entire thread. Damn near all of it is pretty sound advice, so I won't bother to repeat it like it was my own. For what it's worth, it took a lot of courage to even post about this to begin with and you seem like you will be just fine when it is all said and done. So hats off to you and all that, and here's to you putting this behind you when you're damn good and ready.