Originally Posted by Apokx
I was referring to Capital Class ships that are hardcoded to not be captureable. You need a script/mod for people in M1 or higher(I think?)ships to bail before it blows up.
For whatever reason it was taking forever for my UTs to make much cash, and I had Stations pretty much selling their resources nonstop and I wasn't really getting anywhere.
Awesome game but it was getting boring because I couldn't make any progress.
I had a SPP(M), and a Plankton farm(M) in Kingdom's End. With two traders assigned to each one(with Jumpdrives, and every single software you can buy) they would sell the resources nonstop but it just took forever to make any profit.
First, set up mines with CAG sellers and managers. Don't count on the NPC's buying your wares very fast, so they will actively and automatically sell.
Second, make sure you UT's are at least mercury transport sized and have jump drives. These make me a good amount of money.
Third, space fuel. I set up a space fuel complex and the NPC's flock to it like sailors on leave. I now have 3 large spacefuel factories going supplied by 3 L wheat farms. I can't keep it stocked, it sells out that fast. Big time money maker. From what I gather space weed sells equally well and its a very cheap complex to set up. Just let the NPC's buy it so you don't get it confiscated on your trade ships.
Solar plants are good money makers too but they require active selling and are expensive to buy, still they WILL make more than they cost.
Finally if you want to get a leg up. Fly to argon prime, go about 100km away from the gate (to avoid getting scanned) and hit your time compression. Go to bed, wake up much richer. Its a hit to your combat rating (not to bad) and you might lose a couple of ships but you will have more than enough to replace losses. I've done this twice, and I do feel a bit dirty. Once was to see how much my first UT would make. It was 8 million for the night by itself. Another was to see how much my spacefuel complex would make, it was 17 million (I made like 50 million total) and that was only with 4 hours of sleep. Now that I installed some more dangerous scripts I won't be doing that again, but it is a nice way to get a quick head start.
I've been hovering at about 100 million + close to that in assets. I've been losing some freighters lately so I'm retooling a bit. I'm more annoyed I don't have the reps for an M1 yet, I want my Galleon. I played around with a M7 tonight and while its got VERY nice firepower its small cargo bay is really a pain keeping it jump fueled so I reverted to an old save and decided to wait it out.
Once I get tired of this game I'll install that capital ship capture script and try a more violent style of money making.